Block Captains
This page shows the Village of Sabina divided into blocks of four 1,000′ x 1,000′ sections and grouped under a “Block Captain” for each section of town. The purpose of this is to allow local interaction between business owners and residents near members of Sabina’s Neighborhood Watch group living in those areas.
So, in addition to residents being able to pin events onto the home page of this site, they can see who the Block Captain is for their neighborhood and try to get attention on issues that are not being solved, or to compliment neighbors, law enforcement or residents who have helped them take care of an issue or are just great people!
Your Block Captains are as follows:
- Roger Starnes – Roger and his wife Patty live at the western end of Florence Avenue. Their block area includes the section in red. Learn more about Roger below…
- Susan Littleton – Susan has the block area noted in orange near the funeral home that her family owns and staffs in the middle of Sabina.
- Mark Harper – Mark has the block area designated in yellow on the east side of the village. Learn more about Mark below…
- Donna Clevenger – Donna has the block area located in the southern part of the village in green.
- Teresa Kiger – Teresa has the block area noted in pink in the middle part of Sabina.
- Bethany Grehl – Besides working a full-time job and being on Village Council, Bethany has offered her time to help as a Block Captain in the purple block area in the middle-south part of the village.
- Open – We are still in need of a volunteer to be a Block Captain in the blue area in the north part of the Village. If you live in this area and are willing to help out, please get with Sabina Police Chief Noland, the Village Council or reach out to members of the Neighborhood Watch group.
Additional information about your Block Captains…
Mark Harper has worked in some form of security role for nearly 40 years. He has an Associate of Arts degree from Columbus State Community College in Law Enforcement. He worked for the Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections for 20 years. He’s also been employed in hospital and doctor office security. He’s worked with concert and event security and was head of security for his church in North Carolina, working as their security check-in for their Pre-School. Mark now works as security for the Carnegie Library in Washington Court House, OH as Security Officer. We are glad to have Mark on our team!
Roger Starnes is a Lead for R+L Carriers in the Media Design department at their headquarters in Wilmington, OH. Roger is Chair for the Neighborhood Watch group here in Sabina, and is on the board of the Clinton County Trail Coalition, the Sabina Historical Society, he co-authored the “Grasshopper Railroad” book with author Mike Mason and has been working with the Village of Jeffersonville, OH to build a new railroad depot as a museum and history center with the help of the Ohio Port Authority. Roger is very active in church work where he and his wife Patty attend at the Waynesville Church of Christ, he manages the Clinton-Fayette Friendship Trail that runs through Sabina, and he is an active biker, runner, walker and hiker. Disc golf too when possible!