Village Map and Event Pins
Welcome to the Village of Sabina, Ohio’s Neighborhood Watch page!
This website has been created to help the residents of Sabina share information that can better ensure that everyone in the community stays safe and free from crime, injury or loss. Whether you live in a home you own or in one that you rent, knowing that you have others looking out for you can mean so much!
The map above shows recent reports of activities from concerned residents that might help you, your family, and neighbors be less likely to become victims of crime or injury by being more informed and aware of potential criminal or danger hot spots in the area. The more we watch out for each other, the harder it is for crime to be committed.
We hope this website will provide a means for residents of Sabina to share encouraging, motivational messages pointing out positive activities, deeds and events in our Village as well. Please refer to the Block Captains page.
Will you help us?
To report an incident, if it is involves the life or health of someone, be sure to ONLY use 911 and Clinton County will dispatch the Sabina Police Department or the Clinton County Sheriff Department to deal with the situation as quickly as possible.
If the incident is more about property or questionable activities, you can use your computer or mobile device to post things you see going on around you…
- Click the pink + button at the top-right of the map.
- Add text to the Title box, that quickly describes what you are reporting.
- Use the + or – on the map to zoom in or out of the map (or pinch-zoom), and find the area close to where the concern occurred or is occurring, then click on the map to add your pin on the location.
- Add text to the Description box to explain what you saw, briefly.
- If you have an image of the concern, add it with the Upload media link.
- Then click the Submit Location for Review.
The Neighborhood Watch group has moderators who will get notified of these submissions and post them on to the map, or pass the information on to law enforcement if the submission is for something more serious.